解决 Github 贡献值不计算问题

回顾一下去年的贡献值,发现竟然奇低无比。虽然去年的仓库大部分放在了  coding.net,但是怎么说小破站的更新频率也没有那么低呀。




网上查了一下GitHub 不记录贡献值,终于给我找到了原因,原来是因为小破站要求 git 配置中的用户邮箱必须与小破站的一致。

这是原回答:解决 GitHub 不记录贡献值问题


Commits must be made with an email address that has been added to your GitHub account, or the GitHub-provided noreply email address provided to you in your email settings, in order to appear on your contributions graph. For more information about noreply email addresses, see "Setting your commit email address."

If the email address used for the commit hasn't been added to your GitHub profile, you must add the email address to your GitHub account. Your contributions graph will be rebuilt automatically when you add the new address.